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Writer's pictureRev. John Scotland

September 9, 2021 Message

Dear Members and Friends,

You may have tried to worship this past Sunday by joining us on Facebook or on the church’s site, only to be frustrated by the technology. Terry Gragg and I were frustrated on Sunday morning as well as we tried to figure out what was wrong. By grace, Terry used my phone and my personal facebook page to get online by 10:15 AM… but the REAL frustration happened today when I asked Jeannie Collins to come and help me fix the problem. THREE HOURS later, after exploring everything imaginable including changing settings, passwords, turning things off and on multiple times… we finally re-installed the application that connects the camera to the iPad… AND… it worked. I am convinced that technology will bring about the end of our civilization. In the meantime, just give me a pad and a pencil… I’ll survive just fine! Make sure to tune in to worship on the facebook page for the church at 10:00 AM this Sunday. Please don’t let our three hours be spent in vain!

Brenda prepares an “announcements” sheet that goes in the bulletin on Sunday. It is also in the materials that Drew McCrosson (Clerk of Session) sends out by email every week. Sharon Arena makes sure it gets posted on the website ( and a few people (23) still get it in a physical mailing that goes out from the office. You may also want to become more familiar with the members of our church who serve as Elders on Session, for questions and concerns

The Member Care Committee is preparing to send out care packages to our young folks away at college or in the military. Sundries, snacks and specialty items (small) are being collected at the church office to be stuffed into boxes that will be mailed in October.

The Mission Committee will have some important announcements following our meeting on this Thursday at 6:00 PM via Zoom about collecting items for needs in a number of areas including those hit by the tornadoes in South Jersey, Afghan refugees staying at Fort Dix, flood victims from New Orleans to Boston, and neighbors in Haiti. If you missed church on Sunday, you may not be aware that it is Christmas in September again for the children and staff at the Mustard Seed Academy in Lukai Uganda! Sonia Wagner has promised a banana bread for a $14 contribution. There are so many opportunities for us to practice compassion and caring. Being informed, ready to act and to give, It's how we are response-able as brothers and sisters in Christ.

Please join us LIVE on Sunday Mornings at 8:00 AM and/or 10:00 AM for singing, and 10:15 AM for worship. Use this link If you haven’t joined us for “virtual worship”, give me a call - you need to join us! The CHURCH WEBSITE is My email is My cell phone is (609) 457-2999.

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