Dear Members and Friends,
This coming Sunday is the celebration of World Wide Communion by millions of Christians across over 180 nations on the planet. This year will be different because we know that gathering together in a closed space for a lengthy period of time is possibly one of the riskiest behaviors in which we can participate in terms of the spread of COVID-19. So what does faith require that we do? Cast fear out and gather together despite the risk? Or, trust in science and remain socially distant so that we do not put ourselves or others at risk?
First and foremost, we need to trust that God intends good for us and for the world. COVID-19 is not some sort of judgment or punishment meted out by “an angry God” (Jonathan Edwards). God loves us and sorrows with us as we are forced to maintain distance from our loved ones, family, and friends. But God is with us even in our self-imposed isolation. As we gather together virtually, the God of no limits shares fellowship with all of us. As we will break the bread and share the cup, certainly God’s grace is all around each of us as we share Jesus’ meal with brothers and sisters not only across the world but across time, both past and present (Apostle’s Creed… “communion of the saints”). Surrounded by such a cloud of witnesses, how can we live and act out of fear? Keep the faith, remain strong, and be safe!
At its meeting this past Thursday evening, the Session authorized the formation of a “Worship Committee” whose first task is to plan for when we can worship together in one space again. Ruling Elders Sonia Wagner and Kim Grahsler will be joined by members of the congregation who can volunteer to meet together for this important planning. When many ask, will we be able to worship together again? Even with a plan in place to be as safe as possible, the Session will ultimately determine when we will open the doors to the sanctuary for worship together. The session will, as it has up until now, rely on the best information we have from the science (and please remember, John Calvin, considered science one of God’s most wonderful gifts for the world). Should you have any concerns or questions, please reach out to me or one of the Ruling Elders. Perhaps you would like to join us in the discussion and planning.
BTW (By The Way)…if you could get this letter and worship materials off the website or from Drew’s email, please let us know so that we can cut down on postal costs.
Please join us LIVE on Sunday Mornings at 10:00 am for singing, and 10:15 am, for worship.
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If you haven't joined us for our "virtual worship", give me a call - you need to join us! The CHURCH WEBSITE is My email is My cell phone is (609) 457-2999.
"...and what does the Lord require of you? Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God."
Micah 6:6-8