Dear Members and Friends,
Although we are over 100 days into the Corona Virus pandemic, here in NJ the numbers are staying low as the temperature outside rises. And although many of us are still sheltering in place, we all knew this was going to be easier to take when the good weather arrived. So let's try to enjoy our summer just a bit.
The Admin & Finance Committee met by Zoom last Thursday and began working on opening up our building for small group activities. Our Adult Sunday School class that meets at 9 AM on Sunday mornings will be the first group to officially gather inside the building. We are asking them to take the necessary steps to stay safe including wearing masks, keeping social distance, washing hands/using hand sanitizer, and checking temperatures as they enter on Sunday. Other groups and activities will surely follow and the building will be more open soon.
The Thrift Shop is making a return this coming Saturday on the back lawn. It will be more like a garage sale…everything outside, but the volunteers are anxious to come back. They too will be taking the precautions necessary… washing hands, wearing masks, checking temperatures, and keeping social distance. Donations to the Thrift Shop will be received during Saturday morning hours from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. Only volunteers will be able to be in the building or use the restrooms.
The Summer Fest Basket raffle will be located near the back lawn with the Thrift Shop volunteers. Last week, the basket raffle took in more than $500 so we are hoping for another successful Saturday thanks to Sue Clark, Karen Mayer, Gina Herz, Chris Connelly, Linda Reap and everyone else who has helped make this event such a big hit! Be safe everyone. Meanwhile, down at the Farmers Market in the parking lot outside the Brigantine Community School, members supporting the True Spirit Coalition are collecting donations to support our local food pantry that serves anyone who is hungry in Brigantine. Last week, donations topped $1800!!! That’s a lot of one-dollar bills. Thanks to Bev Booz and Jeff McCrindle for helping!
Some of you have been asking, where is the Church Photo Directory? Lifetouch who took all the pictures and is producing the Directory has been shuttered since March, but they will be opening their production center in Arizona (yikes) very soon. Meanwhile, Kelly Schulte has been finalizing the pictures that go in the Directory and on the front and rear cover. Thanks for all your help, Kelly! And Annie has been doing an awesome job collecting as much information as possible for the Roster that will be in the directory, including cell phone numbers and email addresses. Many thanks to Annie for this tedious task well done!
Please join us LIVE on Sunday Mornings at 10:00 am for singing, and 10:15 am, for worship. Use this link You don’t have to be on Facebook to join the worship.
Still having a hard time getting online on Sundays for worship? Please let us know at the office. We have volunteers who are asking folks to donate old cell phones and iPads to give to folks who are not hooked up to the internet.
Keep your eyes open for our new door hangers advertising that we are here and ready to serve our community. The link to our worship service is prominently advertised on our door hangers that Drew McCrosson imagined and Kelly Schulte helped make a reality! Want to help distribute? Just let me know.
Keep Anne Howe in your prayers as she recovers from pneumonia. We are glad she is able to stay at home with her daughter Stephanie. Keep Barb Culver in your prayers too! Prayers for CODI house and Rachel Paul. Beth Welsh is undergoing treatment for breast cancer. Betty Dillon Breeden undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer.
The CHURCH WEBSITE IS Check it for updates, announcements & info. Don’t forget, you can reach me at or on my email at My cell phone is (609) 457-2999.
If you are a Facebook member, find us at “Brigantine Community Presbyterian Church” and “LIKE” us! Call Jim Walker, chair of Member Care, at (609) 338-2252 - OR - call Mental Health HELPLINE at 1 (866) 202-5357 if you are stressed out.
Stay in touch with each other. That is everyone’s job!