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Writer's pictureRev. John Scotland

August 11, 2021 Message

Dear Members and Friends,

This past Thursday, the Administration and Finance Committee met in person for the first time in a year and a half. We are working on making the transition of leadership to a new pastor and making sure that everyone knows where all the switches, timers, controls, thermostats, and equipment are located so that operations will continue smoothly. Thanks to this Committee, the Church is getting a fresh coat of paint and we greatly appreciate our member, Dorie Herndon, who is supervising the contractors as well as his son Eric who is providing some volunteer help!

New Members Classes have concluded and we are welcoming five new brothers and sisters in Christ! They will meet with the Session (Governing Board) of our congregation and be made members officially on August 26th at 7 PM in Room 10. We will then schedule a Sunday when they can be introduced to the entire congregation at worship. Welcome Kathy and Lou Kolb, Chris and Kris Triolo and Anne Cwiklinski!

We have had visiting groups in the church every week since Summer Fest (July 4th). This past week was quiet because a group cancelled their plans. Next week will be our final mission group of the summer with a small group of 5 or 6 using the facility. A group of Juniors from Rutgers biked through this past week, staying two nights at our church, while working on community gardens in Pleasantville. The group was organized as a special summer bike tour by Rutgers students emphasizing the importance of community service. We were glad to host them!

Thanks to Walter Paisley and Liboria Mendoza, the custodial staff of our church, the building remains in great shape and has been safe for all our visitors. Daily cleaning, sanitizing and special spraying has kept the risk of spreading germs to a minimum. Thanks Walter and Libby for working so hard to keep us all safe and healthy.

The Scotlands celebrated birthdays last week (Rachel, McKenzie and Elisabeth)… but next week Annie is having surgery! Please pray for her… especially since I will be her nurse… Brenda will be in the office… but you can reach me by my cell phone. Please continue to have a great summer!

Please join us LIVE on Sunday Mornings at 8:00 AM and/or 10:00 AM for singing, and 10:15 AM for worship. Use this link If you haven’t joined us for “virtual worship”, give me a call - you need to join us! The CHURCH WEBSITE is My email is My cell phone is (609) 457-2999.

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